WHO Regional Workhop on System Design, Standards and Interoperability for Health Information Systems

Golden Sands Hotel, Hoi An, Da Nang , Vietnam April 4-7, 2011

Courtesy of Eric Leversen @ webchronicconsulting.com

More than a hundred participants from ten countries came together in Hoi An, Da Nang, Vietnam for five days of intensive sharing of best practi and lessons learned in the area of ce health informatics standards and interoperability. Organized by the World Health Organization Western Pacific Regional Offi, USAID, Rockefeller Foundation, and the Vietnam Ministry of Health, several initiatives from WPRO countries were presented.

Dr. Alvin Marlo, former director of the UP Manila National Telehealth Center, was a facilitator and participant in the event.

Conferen site can be found here: http://healthmetricsnetwork.info/vietnam/doku.php
