NTHC Experts Mentor eHealth Researchers in Luzon

Manila, Philippines-As part of the efforts to advocate eHealth research in the Philippines, the National Telehealth Center (NTHC) conducted a “webinar” on eRecords, eMedicine, and eLearning and Capacity building last March 3.

Dr. Ryan Julius Banez, NTHC eHealth Systems Analyst, explained how telemedicine has affected the lives of people living in geographically isolated and disadvantaged (GIDA) areas.

The webinar aimed to mentor students from different campuses in Luzon in joining the Philippine Undergraduate Research on eHealth (PUReHealth) Awards.

eHealth experts from NTHC shared their experiences in implementing electronic medical records, telemedicine, and interactive media for health projects to students and faculty from Ateneo De Manila University (ADMU), De La Salle University (DLSU), Manila Central University (MCU), Mapua Institute of Technology, and Univerisity of the Philippines (UP) Manila .

Speakers of the seminar were:

The webinar was also an avenue for the participants to explore their own research agenda for  the first PURehealth Awards.

The webinar was made possible in cooperation with the Department of Science and Technology-Philippine Council for Health Research and Development (DOST-PCHRD) and the Information Management Services Office, UP Manila.

The PUReHealth Awards is a one and a half year long research competition which aims to generate eHealth research in various academic disciplines and to generate eHealth researchers and practitioners nationwide. It is spearheaded by the National Teleehealth Center of the University of the Philippines-Manila. It started last December 2011 with an orientation for faculty advisers and will end on March 2013, after an oral and poster defense from the participants.

