NTHC Welcomes DTTBs

The National Telehealth Center (NTHC) welcomed a total of 110  Doctors to the Barrios (DTTBs) last May 28 at the Development Academy of the Philippines, Tagaytay City. The DTTBs comprised batch 28 and 29 of the  Department of Health’s Doctors to the Barrios Program who are currently enrolled in the Certificate Course on eHealth and Telemedicine. Said training equips DTTBs in handling medical cases that needs specialty care through SMS and email.

From left to right are NTHC Research Associates: Dr. Gene Nisperos, Dr. Rommel Bernabe, Dr. Geohari Hamoy, Dr. Jay Pee Cruz. Drs. Bernabe and Cruz are former DTTBs enrolled in the Certificate Course on eHealth and Telemedicine.

Since 2007, NTHC has been supporting remote doctors through the use of eMail and SMS based Telemedicine.

Doctors to the Barrios Socials Night


