Mobile Health Systems in PH Featured in Harvard School of Public Health Newsletter

The National Telehealth Service Program (NTSP), one among the Philippine’s efforts to achieve Universal Health Care through information and Communication Technologies (ICTs), was one among the five mHealth innovations featured in the Harvard School of Public Health Southeast Asia Student Association Newsletter.  Highlight of the article is the development of mobile health solutions  towards managing non communicable diseases in the country which is being developed by the Department of Health and the National Telehelealth Center-University of the Philippines Manila.

NCDs, one among the growing concerns in health today, was accounted for  half of the causes of deaths in the country. According to the article, initiatives under the NTSP,  are becoming relevant in addressing non communicable diseases. With mobile phones, a general practicing doctor in a remote rural area can now be assisted in handling a difficult case by a clinical specialist in Manila. A patient’s health can be monitored longitudinally using an electronic medical record deployed in government health facilities. With these innovations, the Philippines posit the beginnings for mHealth solutions in the country.

Click HERE to view the newsletter.
