by: Xandra Bernal
— filed under: psychiatry, capiz, elearning, sleep
Dr. Tony Fernando III, senior lecturer of Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, delivered an e-lecture entitled “Overview of Sleep Disorders” last December 8th, 2009. The audience was in the Integrated Provinical Health Office (IPHO) in Capiz headed by Dr. Jarvis Punsalan. Dr. Tony, as he is fondly called, discussed the characteristics of a person having normal sleep patterns, explained the need to satisfy our body’s need for sleep, listed the most common identified sleep disorders including the contemporary diagnostic procedures to distinguish these sleep disorders. This eLearning session with the IPHO of Roxas City, Capiz was made possible through Skype’s videoconferencing feature. Dr. Aloysius Domingo of the Neurology Department of UP-PGH was also present on the said event.
This eLearning session was facilitated by the National Telehealth Center as part of its eLearning program.