Navotas HC Welcomes Using an EMR

Rokeno Robles, 23, a nurse at Tangos Health Center recently had his hands set on using their health center’s newest addition: an electronic medical record.

Rokeno Robles, 23, hits the computer keyboard as Tangos Health Center starts using the Community Health Information Tracking Systerm (CHITS).

Along with other health workers at the center, they hit the computer keyboards and click their mouse simultaneously. After getting the patient’s vital signs, Robles, and the rest of the health center staff enter these data into the computer.

Every day, health workers at Tangos HC handle 40-50 patients from their barangay. Every time a patient enters the center, they have to get his/her file in the steel cabinet, ask for regular vital signs and log these onto paper records. In the afternoons, they tally their morning’s consults, record medicines given by their health center’s doctors and report these into logbooks.

Today, they just have to type these data into the computer and save it.

Navotas City forged partnership with the National Telehealth Center (NTHC), UP Manila for developing the Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS) last September 5, 2011. CHITS is an electronic medical record for government-based health facilities.

Luckily, Robles is one among a hundred health workers in Navotas who are using the system.

Early this April, CHITS Capacity-building Team started training Navotas health workers on using CHITS. This was followed-up by a 2-day coaching session in their actual health centers.

A bit confused. Rokeno Robles validates with their health center's midwife, the contents of a poorly written patient record.

Navotas Mayor John Reynald Tiangco says data entered in CHITS will be used for procuring supplies and equipment for the Navotas City District Hospital. CHITS has the capacity to generate data needed for projecting resources needed by health facilities.

Robles says, the establishment of the city’s district hospital will decrease patient load at the health center. It will also give way for more patients to receive primary care.

The Community Health Information Tracking System (CHITS), has been installed recently at Tangos Health Center. Tangos HC is one of the 11 health center operating with CHITS at Navotas City.
