Visayas calls “Go for HIS!”

Cebu City, Philippines-Leaders from the DOH-Center for Health Development and representatives from national agencies involved in health information systems (HIS) in the Visayas convened together to prepare for their region’s action plans on HIS in the Philippines.

The forum, which happened on May 14-16, was held to fill-in gaps on HIS and share commitment on improving cross sector coordination.

The forum also called for stronger leadership to champion HIS. Dr. Ramesh Kishnamurthy, WHO-Manager, Information Systems underscored that ownership, multi-sectoral engagement and coordination on HIS are essential in developing effective HIS implementations.

“Leadership should be clear and unequivocal to set the information system in place,” added Dr. Alvin B. Marcelo, Chief Information Officer, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation as he expounded on the role of local and national leaders in sustaining HIS.

At the end of the forum, participants gained better perspective on their region’s HIS state and pledge for leveraging HIS awareness moving towards a more need-responsive HIS.

The three day event was sealed with the ceremonial signing of commitment on HIS.

June of last year, the World Health Organization-Western Pacific Regional Office conducted the Asia Pacific Leadership Forum on HIS in the Philippines. It was participated country teams from Bangladesh, Cambodia, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Laos, Mongolia, Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam to bring multi-ministerial teams together in strengthening their respective HIS.

WHO-WPRO has been a supportive partner in improving HIS in the Asia Pacific, including the Philippines, by partnering with various agencies in leading the Philippine Health Information Network.

The DOH-CHD 6,7, and 8, National Statistics Office, Department of Science and Technology, Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, Department of Social Welfare and Development, local government units, academe, private sectors, and development partners such as HealthPro and HealthGov also participated in the event.

The Department of Health in coordination with the National Telehealth Center, UP Manila-NIH, and United States Agency for International Development worked with the WHO-WPRO making the forum possible.

Banner photo: Participants from different sectors in Regions 6,7, and 8 who attended the Health Information System (HIS) Forum for the Visayas. On the lower left picture is National Telehealth Center Director, Dr. Portia Marcelo and Cebu City Mayor Michael Rama. At the lower center photo is NTHC Director signing pledge of commitment to HIS for the Visayas.
