Regenstrief Institute supports the UP Manila National Telehealth Center as OpenMRS community member

Paul Biondich, Co-founder of OpenMRS Organization of the Regenstrief Institute in Indiana University Center for Aging Research, Indiana Anapolis affirms UP Manila National Telehealth Center as a leader in building capacitates for software development and its sustainability.

In a letter last July 19, Biondich says that “the University of the Philippines-Manila represents one of the groups who truly define what it means to be a bonafide OpenMRS community member”.

The award signifies that the international OpenMRS community supports NTHC’s initiative in establishing locally relevant applications and capability building training for health workers and health care professionals in ehealth (electronic health) technology. Along with this, Biondich also expresses support in the vision and mission which NTHC established: open source, open standards, and open content, and positions “UP-Manila to continually act as subject matter experts on OpenMRS in the training which you [the] center wish to provide”.

The recognition mainly supports capacity building initiatives of the center such as the eHealth Training for Educators of the Health Professions or eHTEHP where OpenMRS is being introduced. eHTEHP is a three day training that aims to let nursing educators and researchers appreciate the “value of eHealth in molding highly competent, evidence-based, and relevant nursing practitioners, researchers, and educators.

OpenMRS is an electronic medical record system designed to loop data gathering, storage, and retrieval of a patient’s health record in the hospital. Being an open source software, which means codes are freely available in the internet, OpenMRS makes it easy for health professionals with no programming language to customize the software depending on the needs of client.
